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Summer Party Rentals

Summer Party Rentals

As we begin to enter hotter and longer days this summer, it means that cookouts, BBQs, pool parties, and concerts are going to fill up a lot of our time. If you’re lucky enough, this summer you will be responsible for hosting one of those events or maybe even something bigger. In this article, we...

Spring Lawn Care Tips

Spring Lawn Care Tips

Warmer days means more time outdoors. It also means everything outdoors begins to grow and thrive after being dormant all winter. As a homeowner, one of the most important aspects of your home is the lawn that surrounds it. Growing up, a flourishing lawn was a symbol of pride and prosperity that...

Renting A Dunk Tank

Renting A Dunk Tank

Most people have likely seen dunk tanks when going to a fair or charity event. If not, a dunk tank is a set-up where someone sits in a collapsible chair directly above a tank of water. Attached to the chair is a release that is activated when a thrown baseball hits a target near the tank. The...

Rent Our Sod & Grass Equipment

Rent Our Sod & Grass Equipment

As winter begins to come to a close and the ice starts to melt it’s time to start thinking about your lawn. If you’re a veteran, then you already took the necessary steps in the fall to make sure you’re off to a great start. If not, then it is time to take action. Every homeowner has one thing in...

Kid's Birthday Party Ideas

Kid's Birthday Party Ideas

For a kid, their birthday is one of the most exciting days of the year, and many parents want that day to be special, unique and memorable. Fortunately, kids' birthday parties do not have to be the same familiar games, cake, and decorations. With these clever ideas and savvy renting of key party...

Planning the Perfect Buffet

Planning the Perfect Buffet

Holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, and other special occasions bring family and friends together in celebration. Yet it is easy to forget that weeks and months of preparation and planning goes into just one day of feasting on delicious delicacies, succulent bite-size entrees and fun...